- flikken
- v. pull off, succeed; deceive, trick
Holandés-inglés dicionario. 2013.
Holandés-inglés dicionario. 2013.
Flikken — (Dutch Flemish slang for Cops ) is a popular Flemish Belgian TV series about a police department located in Ghent. The show started in 1999 and is still being produced. In the series, police officers solve various crimes, which are shown as… … Wikipedia
Grietje Vanderheijden — (born October 1978) is a Belgian actress.She studied music at the conservatories of Brussels Antwerp (Belgium). During and after her studies she appeared in multiple Belgian musicals such as Cinderella , The Wizard of Oz , Sleeping Beauty ,… … Wikipedia
Luk De Konink — (born 8 July 1952, Belgium) is a Belgian television actor.EducationDe Konink studied drama at the Koninlijk Conservatorium in Brussels.He made his breakthrough in acting in 1975 debuting in the TV series Klaaglied om Agnes in which he played the… … Wikipedia
Stan Van Samang — (19 March 1979, Wijgmaal, Leuven) is a Belgian actor and singer. Career He played the role of Kevin in one of Flanders famous soaps called Wittekerke . Van Samang appeared in other Flemish Tv series such as Flikken and Rupel , and in the Belgian… … Wikipedia
Gent — Gent … Deutsch Wikipedia
Één — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda één Nombre público één Programación Generalista Propietario VRT País … Wikipedia Español
Laïs — Para otros usos de este término, véase Lais. Laïs Laïs en concierto: Jorunn, Annelies y Nathalie Datos generales Origen Kalmthout … Wikipedia Español
één — Nombre público één Programación Generalista Propietario VRT País Fundación … Wikipedia Español
Anneke Blok — (* 1960 in Rheden, Gelderland, Niederlande) ist eine niederländische Schauspielerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Emile Jansen — (* 21. November 1959 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Niederlande) ist ein niederländischer Filmproduzent, Regisseur und Schauspieler. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mees Peijnenburg — (* 20. Mai 1989[1]) ist ein niederländischer Schauspieler. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Berufliche Laufbahn 2 Filmografie 2.1 Filme … Deutsch Wikipedia